



Something that’s becoming more common every day astechnology enables greater mobility and greater connectivity is the request toset up for work-from-home, nick.While this is all generally good wholesome family-ratedonline fun, it can put a terrible cramp in your work- at-home efforts. Forexample, we all know what a challenge it is to work under deadline, preparingan urgent presentation or perhaps a spreadsheet to be emailed to a co-worker orclient by the close of business today! But add to the mix a thirteen-year-oldwho takes over your computer every time you go to the bathroom, answer thephone, or make a run to the fridge for a cold drink and suddenly you realizethe true benefit of having a home network and sharing that high-speed Internetconnection with other computers in the house!Working from home can mean different things to differentpeople. For some, working from home is not a full-time endeavor and insteadprovides a supplement to a regular work schedule. Some typical examples includegoing online to stay in touch with coworkers and projects during a medicalleave, or getting some work done on a day when your daycare provider is unableto watch the kids. Of course sometimes it may just be that you want to checkyour emails or review tomorrow’s schedule before turning in for the night.The great news for anyone that works from home or is thinking about it, isthat today’s technology not only makes all of these scenarios possible, butwith great reliability for most households. So whether you’re suffering fromthe battle of the work deadline vs. the teenager, or just looking for theconvenience of checking emails while out of the office, it’s good to know thata solution to just about any scenario is available to help you work from home!这篇东西有的内容还是不错的,自己修改咯,





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